Friday, August 10, 2012

Mesjid Azizi Tanjung Pura

 Mesjid Azizi, Tanjung Pura Sumatra Utara
 Di depan seorang jamaah mesjid yang sedang larut dalam zikir dan doa sehabis shalat Ashar, dua orang perempuan sibuk menggelar sesi foto prewed.

Interior mesjid

Makam Pujangga Besar Teuku Amir Hamzah

Di depan makam keluarga Raja-raja Langkat

Makam keluarga Raja-raja Langkat

Thursday, August 09, 2012


Berbagai lampion plastik yang dijual di depan Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman Banda Aceh.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Asinan Kecapi (seutui)

Sewaktu di Sigli, kami menemui boh seutui (sentol, kecapi) teupeujruek di meja penjual berbagai asinan. Berbentuk seperti manggis, yang dimakan adalah kulit buahnya dan lapisan daging tipis pada bijinya. Rasanya sangat asam jika dimakan mentah, dan keasamannya sedikit berkurang setelah dijadikan asinan.

Monday, August 06, 2012


Costs nothing and gives a lot
Enriches the one who receives it, without making poor the one who gives
Lasts just a moment, but its effects last forever
Nobody is so rich that doesn't need it, nor so poor to be not able to give it
Brings happiness to everyone and everywhere
Shorten the distance between peoples
Is a symbol of friendship, of goodwill, is rest for the tired ones, is strength to the one who gave up, sunshine to the sad ones and resurrection to the desperate
Cannot be bought or borrowed
Nobody needs more a smile than the one who doesn't know how to smile
When you were born everybody was smiling and you were crying, live in a way that when you are gone, everybody cries and only you smile...

Sumber tidak diketahui

Thursday, August 02, 2012